Sciatica in Columbus OH?
Have Sciatica in Columbus OH?

Sciatica in Columbus OH is a form of pain that travels down the buttock and leg. The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that runs through the lower back and exits at each side of the buttocks. It's common for an injury or irritation to cause a painful knot, or trigger point, in muscles along the back of your leg. When you sit for long periods, tightness in those muscles can cause more pressure on the sciatic nerve and increase symptoms. Chiropractic treatments can also help relieve sciatica pain and other symptoms that occur as a result of chronic sitting
Sciatica in Columbus OH is a form of pain that travels down the buttock and leg.
Sciatica is a form of pain that travels down the buttock and leg. In most cases, sciatica is caused by a herniated disc or other spinal problems. A pinched nerve can also cause this kind of pain. Chiropractic treatment can help you find relief from back and neck pain associated with sciatica.
The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that runs through the lower back and exits at each side of the buttocks.
The sciatic nerve is the longest and largest nerve in your body. It runs through your lower back, down each side of your buttocks, and into your legs. The sciatic nerve travels down both legs to connect with muscles and other nerves in each foot. If you have a herniated disc or other types of spinal problems that press on this large nerve, it can cause pain in your leg or foot.
It's common for an injury or irritation to cause a painful knot, or trigger point, in muscles along the back of your leg.
The sciatic nerve can be irritated by a number of things, including:
- An injury to the back of your leg or hip
- Scoliosis (curvature of the spine)
- Pregnancy or pressure on your abdomen from carrying something heavy like a baby or shopping bags
- Sitting with bad posture for long periods of time, such as at work behind a desk all day, in front of a computer at home, or when driving a car for hours on end without stopping to stretch out your muscles
When you have sciatica caused by an inflammation in this area, it's common for an injury or irritation to cause a painful knot, or trigger point, in muscles along the back of your leg. In this case you'll notice that pain travels down into one buttock and sometimes down all four legs (called "sciatica"). The pain may also be felt along both sides where nerves emerge from the spinal cord at each level below where it hurts-for example between L4 and L5 there would be two trigger points one side apart from each other; one above where it hurts and another below where it hurts. This means that if only one side is painful then this would suggest that something within those three levels may have caused damage/inflammation causing symptoms but not both sides.
When you sit for long periods, tightness in those muscles can cause more pressure on the sciatic nerve and increase symptoms.
When you sit for long periods, tightness in those muscles can cause more pressure on the sciatic nerve and increase symptoms. Stretching helps relieve muscle tension and can help prevent pain flares.
Stretches for the hip and thigh muscles include:
- Lying on your back with one knee bent, place your foot flat on the floor, then rotate your hips toward that knee until you feel a good stretch along one side of your leg. Hold this position for 10 seconds before switching legs. Do this stretch three times daily as needed to relieve muscle tightness in your lower back area or hip joints (the large joint between the thigh bone and pelvis).
Chiropractic treatments can also help relieve sciatica pain and other symptoms that occur as a result of chronic sitting.
Chiropractic treatments can also help relieve sciatica pain and other symptoms that occur as a result of chronic sitting. The spine is made up of a series of joints, ligaments and muscles that connect the bones in your vertebrae together. If these structures are misaligned or out of place, they can cause pain anywhere along your back or legs. Chiropractors use hands-on manipulation to realign these structures so they function correctly again.
Although the exact cause is unknown, frequent long periods spent sitting or lying down puts strain on the lower back which may increase pressure on your sciatic nerve causing discomfort or pain down one leg (sciatica). Chiropractic treatment helps reduce this pressure and therefore reduces sensations such as tingling/numbness into feet and ankles caused by irritation from compressed nerves within spinal column itself.
A chiropractor will perform a full exam and determine if there's an underlying muscle imbalance or vertebral misalignment that's causing your symptoms.
Once they know the cause of your pain, they can recommend a treatment plan that will help you get back to normal. This may include:
- Chiropractic adjustments. Chiropractors are experts at manipulating the spine and other joints to relieve pressure and reduce inflammation.
- Stretching exercises. These help improve flexibility, which is key for reducing low-back pain by improving posture and allowing muscles to work more efficiently. You should perform these exercises several times per day or as recommended by your chiropractor or physical therapist:
- Knee hugs (10 reps) - Stand tall with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent; gently pull one knee into abdomen for 10 seconds before releasing it back down again in a controlled manner. Repeat 10 times on each leg before moving onto the next exercise below!
- Cat/cow stretch (5 reps) - Begin on all fours with shoulders aligned above wrists and hips aligned over knees; round spine like a cat while tucking chin into chest; then drop head between shoulders like cow while releasing breath through nose loudly enough to hear it resonate within ears (cows usually don't moo loudly enough). Repeat 5 times per side before moving onto next exercise below!
If you're experiencing sciatica, see a chiropractor. They can do a full exam and determine if there's an underlying muscle imbalance or vertebral misalignment that's causing your symptoms. In some cases, they may recommend physical therapy or other treatments before starting chiropractic care. However, many people find relief from their pain after just one visit!
8:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Spine & Sports Chiropractic
4000 Indianola Ave
Columbus, OH 43214